UPC-A Barcodes

Here you can purchase UPC-A retail barcodes for all retail products (except for books and magazines).

If you need a book barcode, magazine barcode, CD barcode, DVD barcode or an EAN-13 Barcode, then please click through these links. The difference between UPC and EAN-13 barcodes can be seen here.

Our barcodes shop is automated – so if you purchase this product, it will be automatically emailed to you within a few minutes.

  • UPC-A Barcode PackagesUPC-A Barcode Packages

    INSTANT EMAIL DELIVERY – UPC Barcode number, Barcode images (in 4 different formats: jpeg, png, svg, & pdf), a guarantee certificate stating that you are the sole legal owner of this barcode number, and free barcode registration on the International Barcodes Database.

    Quantity Price per Barcode (AFN)
    1 2,633 AFN each 
    2 + 2,363 AFN each
    3 + 2,228 AFN each
    5 + 2,025 AFN each
    10 + 1,755 AFN each
    20 + 1,620 AFN each
    30 + 1,114 AFN each
    50 + 702 AFN each
    100 + See our bulk prices here


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